M&W Outdoor Services offers weed eating and an integrated weed management program that can reduce most weed populations to tolerable levels and prevent large, unsightly weed patches. Total eradication of weeds is not a realistic or necessary goal for most lawns and park turf grass; however, with proper maintenance a lawn can be practically free of weeds without the extensive use of chemicals.
Weeds occur in every lawn, but they seldom become problems in well-managed, vigorously growing turf grass. Proper site preparation and turf grass selection before planting are essential to give a new lawn a healthy start. Once a lawn is established, poor maintenance practices that weaken it—such as improper irrigation, fertilization, or mowing—are the primary factors likely to predispose it to weed invasion. Activities that lead to compaction also contribute significantly to turf grass stress, making it easier for weeds to invade. When it comes to M&W Outdoor Services, I personally guarantee you will not find a lawn care company who puts a greater emphasis on the quality of their services and customer relations. It’s about relationships, and that’s just the way we do business.